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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.01.08 20:51. Заголовок: Off-topic. Part 4

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Сообщение: 135
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.08.09 14:23. Заголовок: the song is amazing!..

the song is amazing!!!!yes i agree there are 2 songs with the name "maybe".anyway those 2 "maybe" are just perfect and the greatest is the new song!

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Сообщение: 243
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.08.09 18:49. Заголовок: The song has a new t..

The song has a new title"Fly Away "I love it!!! Dima СПАСИБО for the lyrics!!!!! Btw Gladys Dima wrote that he wrote the song 5 years ago..???I hope that I understood right...

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Сообщение: 952
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.08.09 08:58. Заголовок: Borce http://jpe.ru..

Dima wrote the song before Eurovision 3 years ago
It was named Myabe
But Dima changed a lot in this song
There are only a few notes at the beginning from old song Myabe
So "Fly Away "its like another new song

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Сообщение: 953
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.08.09 14:40. Заголовок: Dima wrote:"This..

Dima wrote:"This song is more than five years, and its about soldier, lost on a battle-field..."

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Сообщение: 954
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.08.09 17:24. Заголовок: Dmitriy Koldun prese..

Dmitriy Koldun presents «Koldun»

Presentation of debut album of Dmitry Kolduna, get the name «Koldun», will take place in a club «Б-2» the 3rd on September.

Preparation of this disk proceeded about year.
Musical material, according to creators, is written down in the «living» sound – all musical parties were played by the of collective of Dmitriy
Koldun without the use of synthetic sounds.

«Material which we have now, literally «broke» through all, -said the director of artist Dmitriy Lysenko to a correspondent InterMedia – Songs sound even better, than we expected».

All known radiohits will enter in a disk - from his famous «Give me force» to the new hit «Tune on to me»,which entered to rotation in the middle of summer.
Company which will take the release of «Koldun», while is not not divulge.


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Сообщение: 255
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.08.09 14:34. Заголовок: so the lyrics he pos..

so the lyrics he posted, is it in other version of the song maybe? or i am getting it all mixed up?

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Сообщение: 955
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.08.09 19:30. Заголовок: miranda http://jpe.r..

The song Fly away Dima wrote before the song Maybe....... as i understand....

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Сообщение: 256
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.08.09 23:35. Заголовок: oh, now i understand..

oh, now i understand, thanks!

and i really like the new song! i just heard it on koldun radio!

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Сообщение: 957
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.08.09 12:43. Заголовок: Voting for the radio..

Voting for the radio Koldun


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Сообщение: 959
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.08.09 20:38. Заголовок: Voting for the vote ..

Voting for the vote for clip "TUNE ON TO ME" on the first channel!!!


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Сообщение: 121
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.08.09 20:52. Заголовок: *voted* http://jpe.r..


Hey, if anyone hasn't seen the topic on the KUEF, please send me a clip of yourself saying "Congratulations, Dima!" (or you can say it in Russian if you want) for me to put into my new fanvid!

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Сообщение: 257
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.08.09 22:58. Заголовок: how do you vote? ht..

how do you vote?

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Сообщение: 583
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.08.09 01:26. Заголовок: miranda пишет: how ..

miranda пишет:

how do you vote?

select dima's button and click on the button in the end, it says 'Progolosobatv' or something like that

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Сообщение: 961
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.08.09 09:16. Заголовок: http://radio-tochka...

here- choose radio Koldun and push on 10 stars

here- choose Дмитрий Колдун / Настройся на меня and push on Проголосовать!

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Сообщение: 962
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.08.09 15:57. Заголовок: The anchormen of com..

The anchormen of competition «Miss of Interkontinental'-2009» will become brothers Kolduns

The TV channel ONT was finally determined with the anchormen of international competition of beauty of «Miss Interkontinental'-2009» . As said to the «Byelorussian news» press secretary of the TV channel Alina Provotorova, it will be George Koldun and Dmitriy Koldun.
Before producer of project Angelina Mikul'skaya talked about , that there are two very interesting candidatures very beautiful young Byelorussians, well known not only in Byelorussia but also outside a country.
«They accepted a proposal. I can`t say they names: I am afraid something will be wrong, — said Angelina Mikul'skaya — Can say only , that it will be very interesting tandem».
The partner of Kolduns will become Byelorussian beautiful woman Ekaterina Doman'kova, which in 2006 won on an international competition «The world Supermodel». All three anchormen will be present on the stage together.


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